Simply Yoga – Iyengar Yoga Studio Ede- Wageningen is a small, friendly and professional yoga studio situated in a characteristic ’30 building. Centrally located, at walking distance from bus- and intercity Railway station Ede-Wageningen, and sufficient free parking space.

Simply Yoga has an extended class schedule for regular clases. Six days a week there are classes at different levels and different times. We teach according the IYENGAR method: active, systematic, no-nonsense, inspiring and releasing! We teach classes in English/bilangual when needed.

Experience the positive and strong effects of regular yoga practice: it makes your body flexible and stronger, and your mind quiet and clear.

Besides the regular weekly classes, Simply Yoga also offers a specific gentle yoga class, private yoga classes and yoga for companies.

You can start yoga any time during the year. Have a look at the class schedule for a suitable class, and register for an introduction month of weekly classes. Come join and discover yoga!

Iyengar yoga

Yoga means unity. Yoga aims to balance and unite body, mind and breath, Yoga is one of the olderst systems of personal development. All forms of yoga learn human beings to lead and live their lifes with more awareness and equanimity. Iyengar Yoga is an active, challenging and precise vorm of Hatha yoga. It includes the practice of yoga poses (asanas) and breathing techniques (pranayama). Iyengar Yoga is characterised by its systematic and evolving method to align the body and discipline the mind. Iyengar yoga emphasizes sequencing, the order in which asanas are to be learnt and practised to have optimal benefits. There are different groups of yoga postures, which are all practised: standing poses, seated poses, forward bends, back bends, rotating poses, inverting poses, and reclined (resting) poses. The use of yoga props, such as belts and bricks, makes this form of yoga more accessible for everybody, both in learning the poses as well as in further developing.

Iyengar Yoga is an international certified learning and teaching system, and is the world’s most widely practised method of yoga. Certified Iyengar yoga teachers are subject to strict study, quality and continuous education. Iyengar yoga teaching distinguishes from other forms of yoga through:

  • detailed explanation and instructions for practising the yoga postures
  • knowledge and practical applicability of anatomy
  • correct, supportive and innovative use of yoga props
  • personal support and adjustments in case of health problems or injuries

B.K.S. Iyengar

Iyengar yoga is named after B.K.S. Iyengar (India, 1918-2014). This world famous yoga teacher has developed an active, precise and challenging form of Hatha yoga. He practised his life long intensively and studied the ancient scriptures.

From the age of seventeen till his death, he shared this timeless Indian wisdom with numerous students from all over the world. The main institute in Pune is currently directed by his granddaughter Abhijata Iyengar and his son Prashant.

Class schedule

You can start joining the yogaclasses any time in the year. Have a look at the schedule for a suitable class. Are you new to Iyengar yoga? Start in a beginners’ class. After six months, you can further develop in the general classes.

You join the classes at a fixed time weekly. In case you miss a class, you can catch up during another class, within the validity of your classcard. Please do register for your first class by sending an email or telephone.

Holidays ’25 – studio closed:
Eastern Monday: 21 April ’25
May holiday: 25 April till 5 May ’25
Ascendent Day: 29 May till 1 June ´25
Pentecost Monday: 9 June ’25
Summer Holidays: 21 July till 24 August ’25
Christmas Holidays: 22 Dec till 4 Jan. ’26

(level 1/2)
09.00 - 10.30
(level 2)
09.00 - 10.30
(level 1/2)
09.30 - 11.00
* see agenda for dates
09.30 - 12.30
Beginners / Gentle
(level 1)
10.00 - 11.15
(level 1/2)
18.00 - 19.30
(level 1/2)
18.00 - 19.30
(level 1)
18.00 - 19.30
Restore & Renew
Last Friday of the Month
19.30 - 21.00
(level 1)
20.00 - 21.30
(level 2)
20.00 - 21.30
(level 3)
20.00 - 21.30
(level 1/2)
20.00 - 21.30


  • Beginners / Gentle
    (level 1)
    10.00 - 11.15
  • General
    (level 1/2)
    18.00 - 19.30
  • Beginners
    (level 1)
    20.00 - 21.30


  • General
    (level 1/2)
    18.00 - 19.30
  • General
    (level 2)
    20.00 - 21.30


  • General
    (level 1/2)
    09.00 - 10.30
  • Advanced
    (level 3)
    20.00 - 21.30


  • Beginners
    (level 1)
    18.00 - 19.30
  • General
    (level 1/2)
    20.00 - 21.30


  • General
    (level 2)
    09.00 - 10.30
  • Restore & Renew
    19.30 - 21.00


  • General
    (level 1/2)
    09.30 - 11.00


  • Workshop
    09.30 - 12.30
No events available!

Description Classes

Beginners (level 1)

For students new to yoga or Iyengar yoga. Emphasis on basic poses (standing poses, sitting poses, basic forward and back bends), learning schoulderstand. The teacher demonstrates and explains all basic principles. Basic introduction of yoga is also shared. Follow beginner classes for at least six months; don’t rush to the next level.

General (level 1/2)

For students who are familiar with the basic yoga poses and are interested to develop further. Basic poses are still practiced, with more detail and duration to develop stamina. new variations and yoga poses will be introduced. We elaborate on inverted yoga poses, shoulderstand, headstand, and introduce breathing exercises (pranayama). Since it is a mixed level (1/2), sometimes alternatives are given to avoid strain to those less familiar; or to challenge more advanced students to further explore their capacities. For new students who have practiced other forms of active yoga, or are used to bodywork, do consult when you want to join this class.

General (level 2)

This class is suitable for those students who have a good level of understanding, stability and stamina in the introductory asanas, including inversions. Also knowledge is gained on how to customize the practice when necessary. Suitable for those who are curious and receptive to explore other aspects and layers of the being through the practice of asanas, New intermediate asanas will be thought and practiced, pranayama will be practiced.

Advanced (level 3)

Students are expected to explore more detail and show stamina in the asanas. Exploring and practising more advanced asanas, including variations of inversions and backbends. Focus on more understanding, sensitizing body, mind and breath. Sometimes through further explaination, holding asanas longer, smart use of props. Students in this class are expected to have a curious, focused and receptive mind to further explore their potentions and being through the practise. Students also further learn how to customize their practise based on their needs and situation.

Gentle Yoga

This specific class is for students who want to learn and practice yoga at a calm pace and intensity. Also suitable for senior citizens who are fit enough to move and keen to maintain their health while aging. And for those who aim to start en engage with yoga after an injury or illness. The practice and pace of the class is adjusted to the students. The yoga practise focuses on general mobility, stability and keeping the chest cavity open. This support proper breathing and will also keep the immune system healthy. Props are used where necessary, and alternatives and adjustments will be offered as well according to the situation.

Restore & Renew

Restorative yoga teaches you to release at a deeper level. Special restorative Asanas, supported by props, will be hold longer. Together with breath awareness this way of practising yoga contributes to a deep sense of relaxation and allows your being to restore energy. Scheduled one Friday a month, check for dates the Agenda.


As an introduction to Iyengar yoga you can join for a trial class or introduction month (4 classes incl. trial classes). After that you can either join through a 10-class card or for a block subscription for a weekly class. The reduced prices apply for full-time students, unemployed people or those with a minimum income.

GROUP CLASSValidityPriceReduced Price
Trial classonce only€ 11,00€ 10,00
Introduction month (4 classes)4 weeks€ 45,00€ 40,00
Single class€ 17,50€ 15,00
GROUP BLOCK REGISTRATIONValidityPriceReduced price
15 classes (1x/week)15 weeks€ 185,00€ 172,50
30 classes (2x/week)15 weeks€ 340,00€ 310,00
30 classes (1x/week)30 weeks€ 355,00€ 325,00
60 classes (2x/week)30 weeks€ 645,00€ 610,00
CLASS CARD for GROUP CLASSValidityPriceReduced price
10 class card (1x/wk)12 weeks€ 132,50€ 122,50
20 class card (2x/wk)12 weeks€ 235,00€ 220,00
PRIVATE YOGA CLASSDurationPriceReduced price
Private class75 min.€ 60,00€ 55,00
5 classes (within 6 weeks)75 min.€ 280,00€ 255,00
Extra person in private class75 min.+ € 17,50+ € 12,50
Two extra persons in private class
75 min.+ € 20,00+ € 15,00
Tailored class, workshop, clinicUpon request


Karin de Grip had her first Iyengar Yoga class in 2004, and was immediately inspired by this form of yoga. Ever since she continued practising and learning. After a carreer in agricultural research and extension in the Netherlands and abroad, she is now fully committed to study and teach the ‘Iyengar method’.

“Plane, precise, complete and no-nonsens. That is Iyengar yoga for me. The practise of asanas and pranayama gives me balance, stability, clarity and strenght for daily life. The practice continuously gives new insights, in the body and mind. It fascinates and inspires, and I hope to bring that forward in my classes”.

Karin teaches yoga since 2009, and opened her studio in Ede in 2014. She completed the intensive 3-year teacher training at the Iyengar Yoga Institute Amsterdam. She is internationally certified (Junior Intermediate I) and holds the registered Iyengar Yoga Certification Mark. She continues studying with her teachers in the Netherlands, with international guest teachers and studied in 2015 and 2017 at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Instituut in Pune, India. There, she also assisted in the medical classes.

Karin is a member of the Iyengar Yoga Association Netherlands.


Private class

Sometimes there are specific health problems or injuries, which make it difficult to participate in a regular group class. A private class is more suitable. After an intake about the health situation, the yoga practice will be tailored and adapted to your situation, to support the body’s own healing capacity. Iyengar Yoga is recognised for its therapeutic work and specific programs for back, neck, shoulder problems, knee and hip problems, and stress related problems. Apart form the private classes you will also get a programme to practise and home. Sometimes a few private classes are already sufficient to (re)join the regular group classes.


Simply Yoga organises a few workshops per year in the studio. These workshops address a specific theme or sequence, including the introduction of basic anatomy and yoga philosophy. It will uplift your understanding and allow you to experience new aspects of yourself through yoga. Workshops are suitable for regular practitioners with at least six months Iyengar yoga experience. Workshop will be taught in English/bilangual if required. See Agenda for dates.

Simply Yoga also provides tailored classes or workshops for companies, on location or in the studio. Contact us with your request, and we will make you a suitable offer.